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Veriforce Network members receive $25 off each safety program purchased, and an additional $25 off with the purchase of 5 or more programs.
About the Vendor
Mariner-Gulf Consulting & Services
Occupational safety and health policies and procedures represent the foundation of a functioning and executable safety management system. Using a customized approach, Mariner-Gulf’s technical writing group works with your team to develop customized policies and procedures that meet regulatory standards, third-party verification requirements, industry best practices, and have withstood hundreds of hiring client audits.
These customized written programs ensure top management involvement, employee participation, and continuous feedback loops for improvement such as Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) and fit well with established safety management systems such as ANSI/ASSP Z-10-2012 (R2017) and ISO 45001. Mariner-Gulf’s team of experienced technical writers help move your team beyond compliance.