Williams Contractor Compliance Hub

Veriforce Compliance Pro – a Veriforce Product that Williams utilizes to vet companies for HSE and Insurance.

To activate your Veriforce Compliance Pro account:

  • Click the Register Today button below, or visit www.veriforce.com, and select the JOIN OUR NETWORK option
  • Call 844.570.7123

Once you have activated your CompliancePro account, you will need to connect to the Williams Companies as a Hiring Client and fully complete the following within your account:

  1. Operating Details Section – located in your left-hand navigation menu
  2. Full Standardized Safety Questionnaire
  3. Any assigned Program Reviews are located in the PROGRAM REVIEW APPLICATION within your left-hand navigation menu.

Here is your Contractor Quickstart Guide to reference once your account has been activated.

View this document for a full guide on how your company can achieve a compliant status for Williams.

Additionally, Veriforce has a dedicated Contractor Support Team that you can contact for any questions regarding your CompliancePro account.

For those companies performing Non-DOT work, Williams will accept both DISA Global Solutions and Team Professional Services as the approved Non-DOT Third-Party Administrators (TPA’s).

Williams accepts the following policies:

  • EPCC
  • USGC (only when providing USCG-regulated services for Williams)

Williams could add additional TPAs for Non-DOT D&A in the future.

DISA Global Solutions Contacts:

Team Professional Services Contacts

Once your DISA or TEAM account is established, you will need to link these accounts within your Veriforce CompliancePro account to ensure your Non-DOT Drug & Alcohol status is being fed properly.

To Link DISA:

  • Click on the Third-Party Services tab from the left navigation menu to enter your DISA Client ID
  • If you haven’t done so already, ensure your company is listed within the Williams DISA member group. Please contact DISA’s client services department via [email protected] to receive your credentials.

To link TEAM Professional Services:

  • From TPS Alert, enter your Veriforce SSQ ID / Company ID under the ‘Unique Company Identifiers’ section of the Company Details page